Female Betta Crown Tail
Crowntail Betta Fish Quick Facts
- Adult Size: 2.5 – 3 inches
- Average Lifespan: 2 – 3 years
- Ease of Care: Easy to Medium
- Native To: Domestic Bred
- Min. Tank Size: 5 gallon aquarium (Bigger is Better)
- Water Type: Freshwater Species
- Temp. Range: 76 – 80 deg. Fahrenheit
- Compatibility: Typical Betta aggression
- Crowntail Diet: Carnivore/high-protein
A Crowntail is a beautiful variety of Betta, also known as the Siamese Fighting fish.
The Betta fish has the scientific name Betta splendens, and it is native to freshwater settings in Southeast Asia (including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam). There are many types of betta fish with different tail aesthetics.
Crowntail Appearance
The tail of the species is what makes the Crowntail standout.They lack webbing between the rays on the fins. The webbing stops well short of the peaks, giving a spiked appearance, this distinct feature resembles an upside-down crown instead of a comb).The caudal fin is less pronounced on female Crowntail Betta, but it is bigger on both sexes than on some Betta fish varieties.
As with most Betta, Male Crowntail Betta are more colourful than female Crowntail Betta. Colours can change during the Crowntail Betta lifespan in subtle ways, but not as drastically as some Betta fish varieties.
How Big Will Your Crowntail Get
The Crowntail will get to about 2.5 inches in length as a fully mature adult. Some Betta can get up to 3.0 inches, but that is the exception and not the rule.
Crowntail Bettas Are a Labyrinth Fish
The scientific community has created a suborder of freshwater fish that possess a labyrinth organ. That lung-like organ allows the Betta fish to breathe air. The suborder is Anabantoidei, and these fish go by anabantoids, labyrinth fish, or gourami’s. While the labyrinth organ will allow your pet Crowntail to survive in environments that are low in oxygen, you should keep them in a properly oxygenated aquarium. Stores may sell Betta fish in cups or bowls, but these living conditions will lower the Crowntail Betta lifespan.
What is the Crowntail Betta Lifespan
You can expect your pet Crowntail to last between two and three years, which is a standard lifespan for Betta fish.
Are Crowntail’s Aggressive
Like all Betta fish, Crowntail has a naturally aggressive disposition. That disposition has increased through generations of selective breeding among Betta fish keepers. After all, your pet’s ancestors were fighters.