Glass Bloodfin Tetra Prionobrama Filigera 2cm
Overview: The Glass Bloodfin Tetra, known scientifically as Prionobrama filigera, is a captivating freshwater fish prized for its semi-transparent body and vibrant red tail and fin highlights. This small, peaceful species reaches up to 2 inches in length, making it an ideal inhabitant for community aquariums. Its unique appearance and lively behavior are sure to draw attention in any tank.
Origin: Native to the Amazon Basin in South America, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra thrives in soft, acidic waters. They are typically found in slow-moving or standing waters, surrounded by dense vegetation.
Feeding: These omnivores have a varied diet in the wild, including insects, plant matter, and small invertebrates. In the aquarium, they will readily accept high-quality flake foods, frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. To ensure optimal health and coloration, it’s beneficial to provide a mix of these foods.
Tank Mates: The Glass Bloodfin Tetra is a peaceful species that does well in community tanks. Ideal tank mates include other small, peaceful fish such as neon tetras, rasboras, and dwarf corydoras. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive species that may intimidate or harm them.
Aggression: This species is known for its peaceful demeanor. They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 6 to 10 individuals to promote natural behavior and minimize stress.
Experience Level: Suitable for beginners to advanced aquarists, the Glass Bloodfin Tetra is hardy and adaptable. However, they thrive best in a well-maintained aquarium with stable water conditions and a group of their own kind.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C)
- pH: 6.0 to 7.5
- Hardness: Up to 12 dGH
Keeping the water clean and well-oxygenated, along with regular water changes, will help maintain the health and happiness of your Glass Bloodfin Tetras.
Add a school of Glass Bloodfin Tetras to your aquarium for a touch of dynamic beauty and peaceful harmony.
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