Boxer Crab Lybia Tessellata
The boxer crab (Lybia tesselata) is a small but fascinating marine crustacean found in the Indo-Pacific region. These crabs are known for their unique behavior of carrying small sea anemones on their front claws, which they use for defense. Boxer crabs are omnivorous and will feed on a variety of foods in the aquarium, including algae, detritus, and small meaty items. They make excellent reef-safe tank mates and are generally peaceful, though they may occasionally spar with other crabs or shrimp. These crabs are recommended for intermediate to advanced aquarists, as they require stable water parameters to thrive. The ideal water conditions include a temperature of 23-27°C, specific gravity of 1.020-1.025, and a pH of 8.1-8.4. With proper care and a suitable reef environment, boxer crabs can make an interesting and unique addition to the home aquarium.
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