Asian Sole (Apionichthys nattereri)
The Asian Sole (Apionichthys nattereri) is a fascinating freshwater flatfish species known for its ability to blend seamlessly with its environment. Unlike typical marine soles, this species thrives in freshwater and is a great choice for unique biotope aquariums. With a laterally compressed body and an elongated oval shape, it exhibits a remarkable camouflage ability, making it an interesting addition to a peaceful tank.
Despite its common name, the Asian Sole is actually native to South America, particularly found in the Amazon River Basin. It primarily inhabits sandy or muddy riverbeds where it buries itself to stay hidden from predators and ambush prey.
The Asian Sole is a carnivorous species that primarily feeds on small invertebrates, worms, and crustaceans in the wild. In captivity, it can be fed:
Live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, blackworms, and brine shrimp.
Sinking pellets and carnivore-based foods.
It may take time to adjust to prepared foods, so offering live or frozen food initially is recommended.
Tank Mates
Due to its peaceful and shy nature, the Asian Sole should be housed with non-aggressive, slow-moving tank matesthat won’t outcompete it for food. Good companions include:
Small to medium-sized tetras
Corydoras catfish
Dwarf cichlids (Apistogramma species)
Otocinclus catfish
Avoid housing them with large, aggressive fish that may view them as prey.
This species is non-aggressive and spends most of its time on the substrate, either resting or burrowing into the sand. It does not pose a threat to tank mates but can be outcompeted for food if housed with more active species.
Experience Level
Moderate – While not overly difficult to care for, the Asian Sole requires:
A well-established tank with a soft, sandy substrate.
Proper feeding to ensure it gets enough food.
Stable water conditions to prevent stress or illness.
Water Parameters
To keep the Asian Sole healthy, maintain the following conditions:
Temperature: 74–82°F (23–28°C)
pH: 6.0–7.5
Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–12 dGH)
Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons for a single fish
Substrate: Fine sand is recommended to allow for natural burrowing behavior.
Final Thoughts
The Asian Sole is an intriguing and unusual species for dedicated aquarists looking to add a unique bottom-dweller to their aquarium. While peaceful and relatively low-maintenance, it requires special attention to diet and substrate to ensure it thrives.