10 x Common Carp Cyprinus Carpio
Overview: The Common Carp, scientifically known as Cyprinus Carpio, is a large and popular freshwater fish. It has a robust body, often with a deep bronze or golden coloration, and is known for its adaptability to different environments. This species can grow quite large, sometimes exceeding 20 inches in length, making it a prominent feature in larger aquariums or outdoor ponds.
Origin: Originally from Asia, the Common Carp has been widely introduced and naturalized in habitats around the world. It is a hardy species and can thrive in a variety of water conditions, which has contributed to its popularity and widespread distribution.
Feeding: Common Carps are omnivorous and have a varied diet. In an aquarium or pond setting, they will readily eat a mix of commercial fish pellets, vegetables, and live or frozen foods like worms and small crustaceans. It’s important to provide a balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being.
Tank Mates: Due to their size and feeding habits, Common Carps are best kept with similarly sized fish that can compete for food. Suitable tank mates include other large, peaceful species. Smaller fish might be at risk of being outcompeted for food or even mistaken as food.
Aggression: Common Carps are generally peaceful and coexist well with other fish of a similar size. However, they can become territorial and may exhibit mild aggression during breeding season or in overcrowded conditions.
Experience Level: Due to their large size and specific needs, Common Carps are best suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists. They require spacious tanks or ponds and consistent water quality management.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 59-77°F (15-25°C)
- pH: 6.5-8.0
- Hardness: 5-19 dGH
Proper filtration is essential to maintain clean water, and regular water changes are recommended to keep nitrate levels low. It’s important to monitor water parameters regularly to ensure a healthy environment for the Common Carp.