Albino Kribensis Cichlid Pelvicachromis Pulcher
Kribs are a lovely gentle fish, originally from Nigeria. They a small in size, big in colour and, being a Cichlid, they are smarter than your average. Couple this with their readiness to breed and I feel that there is not a lot that you shouldn’t love about this little African Cichlid.
Species – Albino Kribensis – Pelvicachromis pulcher
Current Size – 2-2.5cm
Adult Length – 10cm
Temperature Range – 24 – 26°C
pH Range – 6.0 – 7.5
Special Requirements – These little cichlids are gentle in nature and will happily live with many other gentle community fish. They stay predominantly near the bottom so care should be taken to ensure that they receive enough food, especially if they are housed with larger more voracious tank mates. They like to hide in caves and so plenty of hidey holes is ideal.
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – They are a great community fish so, providing the tank is passive, they will fit in perfectly.
Feeding – They are definitely not fussy and are a true omnivore. Live or frozen food is ideal if conditioning them for breeding is a priority. Keep their diet as varied as possible