Albino Rainbow Shark Epalzeorhynchos Frenatum 8cm
“Albino Rainbow Shark, a striking addition to any aquarium, showcases a unique blend of elegance and vibrancy. Originating from Southeast Asia, this species thrives in freshwater habitats, displaying a brilliant albino hue that contrasts beautifully against its sleek body and red-tinted fins.
Feeding the Albino Rainbow Shark is straightforward as it readily accepts a varied diet consisting of quality flake or pellet food supplemented with occasional treats like bloodworms and vegetable matter.
In a suitable tank environment, this species prefers spacious quarters with ample hiding spots amidst driftwood or rocks. Compatible tank mates include other semi-aggressive species such as barbs, danios, and loaches. However, caution is advised with similarly shaped or colored fish, as territorial behavior might emerge.
Known for its territorial nature, the Albino Rainbow Shark can be assertive, particularly when establishing its space. Therefore, it’s recommended for aquarists with moderate experience in managing semi-aggressive species and maintaining tank territories.
Maintaining stable water parameters with temperatures between 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH levels of 6.5-7.5, and moderate water flow is ideal for their well-being.”
Remember, providing a suitable habitat and carefully selecting tank mates are crucial for ensuring the happiness and health of the Albino Rainbow Shark in your aquarium!