The Albino Red Head Tapajos Geophagus is a stunning variant of the popular Red Head Tapajos Geophagus (Geophagus sp. “Tapajos”). Known for its unique albino coloration, this cichlid displays a beautiful combination of creamy white and pinkish hues, complemented by a vibrant red-orange head. As a member of the Geophaginae subfamily, it exhibits the characteristic sand-sifting behavior, constantly foraging through the substrate in search of food. This makes it an excellent choice for aquarists looking for both beauty and naturalistic behavior in their aquarium.
The Albino Red Head Tapajos is a selectively bred variant of the Red Head Tapajos Geophagus, which originates from the Rio Tapajos in Brazil. This South American river system is known for its sandy bottoms and warm, soft waters, providing the ideal habitat for these cichlids. While the albino form does not exist in the wild, it retains the same hardy and adaptable nature as its naturally occurring counterpart.
These cichlids are omnivorous and require a varied diet to stay healthy. Their diet should include:
High-quality pellets or granules (specially formulated for cichlids)
Frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia
Vegetable matter like spirulina flakes or blanched vegetables (zucchini, spinach)
Sinking foods, as they naturally sift through the substrate for food
To prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality, feed them in small portions multiple times a day.
Tank Mates
Albino Red Head Tapajos are generally peaceful for a cichlid, making them a great addition to a South American community tank. Suitable tank mates include:
Other Geophagus species
Peaceful cichlids (such as Severums or Keyhole Cichlids)
Larger tetras (Congo Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras)
Corydoras catfish
Pleco’s or other bottom dwellers
Avoid aggressive or highly territorial fish like Jaguar Cichlids or Red Devils, as they may bully the more peaceful Geophagus.
Aggression Level
Albino Red Head Tapajos are considered mildly territorial but not overly aggressive. They may establish a hierarchy, especially during breeding, but they rarely show serious aggression. They do best in small groups (4-6 individuals), which helps distribute any aggression evenly.
Experience Level
Skill Level: Intermediate
While not overly difficult to keep, these fish require stable water parameters, a sandy substrate, and a well-maintained environment. Their natural sand-sifting behavior means they should not be kept in tanks with sharp gravel, as it can damage their delicate gills.
Water Parameters
Temperature: 24°C – 30°C (75°F – 86°F)
pH: 6.0 – 7.5
Hardness: 2 – 12 dGH
Tank Size: Minimum 55 gallons (for a small group, 75+ gallons is ideal)
Filtration: Strong filtration is recommended as they are messy eaters. A canister filter or sump system works best.
Final Thoughts
The Albino Red Head Tapajos Geophagus is a visually striking and active cichlid, perfect for aquarists who enjoy dynamic tank setups. Their peaceful nature, unique feeding behavior, and social tendencies make them a rewarding species to keep. With the right care and environment, these fish will thrive and bring life to any aquarium.