The Arrowhead Puffer (Tetraodon suvattii), also known as the Pig nose or Mekong Puffer, is a unique freshwater pufferfish known for its distinctive wedge-shaped head and ambush predatory behavior. This species is highly territorial and best suited for experienced aquarists who can meet its specialised care needs. Unlike more active puffers, the Arrowhead Puffer prefers to remain motionless, often burrowing in the substrate to lie in wait for unsuspecting prey.
Native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, the Arrowhead Puffer is found in slow-moving waters of the Mekong River basin. It thrives in muddy or sandy riverbeds, where it uses its camouflage and hunting instincts to capture live prey.
This species is a strict carnivore and requires a diet of meaty foods such as:
Live or frozen shrimp
Snails (important for maintaining dental health)
Small fish
Worms (bloodworms, earthworms)
Crayfish or other crustaceans
Due to their ambush predatory nature, they will often ignore dried or processed foods, making a varied diet of fresh or frozen items essential.
Tank Mates
The Arrowhead Puffer is a solitary species and should be kept in a species-only setup. It is highly aggressive and will attack or kill tank mates, including other puffers. If attempting a cohabitation setup, it must be with extreme caution and in a very large, well-structured tank, though it is generally not advised.
This species is one of the most aggressive puffers available in the aquarium trade. It will attack anything that enters its territory, including other fish and even human hands during tank maintenance. Due to its powerful bite and territorial nature, caution is needed when handling or interacting with the fish.
Experience Level
Advanced – The Arrowhead Puffer is not recommended for beginners due to its aggressive nature, specific feeding requirements, and need for careful tank maintenance. Aquarists should have experience with predatory fish and species that require specialised care.
Water Parameters
Temperature: 24-28°C (75-82°F)
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: 5-15 dGH
Tank Size: Minimum 40 gallons for a single specimen
Filtration: Strong filtration with low flow (prefers still waters)
Substrate: Sandy or fine gravel (to allow for burrowing)
Decor: Driftwood, rocks, and caves for hiding
The Arrowhead Puffer is a fascinating but demanding fish best suited for a dedicated aquarist who can accommodate its predatory instincts, aggressive nature, and dietary requirements. With the right care, it can be a rewarding and impressive centrepiece fish in a specialised setup.