Asian Stone Mini Moth Catfish Hara Jerdoni 4cm
“Discover the elusive charm of the Asian Stone Mini Moth Catfish (Hara jerdoni), a petite and captivating addition to any peaceful aquarium. Originating from the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, these small, nocturnal catfish boast a unique stone-like appearance, blending seamlessly into their environment.
Feeding on small live or frozen foods like bloodworms and daphnia, these catfish are discreet omnivores that prefer a dimly lit tank with plenty of hiding spots. They thrive in peaceful communities alongside similarly sized, non-aggressive tank mates like small rasboras, dwarf shrimp, or peaceful tetras.
With a low level of aggression, these catfish are best kept in groups of three or more to alleviate any potential stress. Their care requirements are relatively undemanding, making them suitable for intermediate aquarists. Maintain stable water parameters with temperatures between 72-79°F (22-26°C), a pH range of 6.0-7.5, and soft to moderately hard water.
Bring the enigmatic charm of the Asian Stone Mini Moth Catfish to your aquarium and delight in their secretive nature and captivating presence.”