Beacon Tetra Hemigrammus Ocellifer 2cm
Overview: The Beacon Tetra, Hemigrammus Ocellifer, is a captivating addition to any freshwater aquarium. Known for its striking coloration and peaceful demeanor, this species brings vibrancy and tranquility to community tanks.
Origin: Originating from the rivers and tributaries of South America, particularly in the Amazon basin, these tetras thrive in soft, acidic waters with dense vegetation.
Feeding: This species is an omnivore and readily accepts various foods. They eagerly consume high-quality flake, pellet, and frozen foods, supplemented with occasional live treats like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
Tank Mates: Peaceful and sociable, Beacon Tetras make excellent tank mates for other peaceful community fish of similar size. Compatible companions include other tetras, rasboras, peaceful dwarf cichlids, and some peaceful catfish species.
Aggression: With their non-aggressive nature, Beacon Tetras are unlikely to display territorial behavior. They tend to thrive in groups and seldom show aggression towards their tank mates.
Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of various experience levels, these tetras are relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for both beginners and seasoned hobbyists.
Water Parameters: Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial. Ideal parameters include a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5, and soft to moderately hard water (dH range of 5-12).