Black Sea Cucumber Holothuria Atra
The Black Sea Cucumber (Holothuria atra) is a species of marine invertebrate found in the tropical Indo-Pacific region. It has a long, smooth, black body that can grow up to 45 cm in length. The Black Sea Cucumber is an omnivore, sifting through the substrate to feed on detritus and other organic matter. This sea cucumber is considered a peaceful species, but should be kept with other calm tank mates as it can release toxic substances when stressed or injured. It requires a minimum tank size of 125 gallons and the water parameters should be maintained at 72-78°F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.023-1.025. The Black Sea Cucumber is considered an expert-level species to care for, as it is sensitive to high nitrate levels and copper-based medications. It should not be overstocked, with a general guideline of 3 inches of worm per 20 gallons of water. Overall, the Black Sea Cucumber is a unique and interesting addition to a reef aquarium, but requires careful monitoring and an experienced aquarist to thrive.