Black Tiger Shrimp Caridina 2cm
Overview: The Black Tiger Shrimp (Caridina) is an exquisite freshwater invertebrate cherished for its striking appearance and fascinating behavior. Sporting deep black stripes against a translucent body, these shrimp add elegance to any aquarium.
Origin: Originating from Southeast Asia, particularly from rivers and streams in countries like Taiwan and Thailand, these shrimp thrive in stable, clean waters.
Feeding: Black Tiger Shrimp are omnivores and enjoy a diverse diet. They relish in algae, biofilm, and also appreciate occasional feeding of high-quality shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach, and occasionally small live or frozen foods.
Tank Mates: Peaceful and non-aggressive, they cohabit well with other small, non-predatory fish and invertebrates in a well-maintained, established aquarium. Compatible tank mates include small schooling fish like rasboras or tetras, and peaceful bottom dwellers such as small Corydoras catfish.
Aggression: These shrimp are notably peaceful and do not exhibit aggressive behavior. They thrive in a calm and stable environment.
Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of various experience levels, although intermediate familiarity with freshwater aquarium care is recommended due to their sensitivity to water parameters.
Water Parameters: Black Tiger Shrimp prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, temperature between 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C), and moderate hardness, preferably around 4-6 dKH.