Blue Sapphire Shrimp Neocaridina 2cm


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Blue Sapphire Shrimp Neocaridina 2cm

Overview: The Blue Sapphire Shrimp, a mesmerizing variant of the Neocaridina family, captivates aquarists with its stunning deep blue hue. Its vibrant coloration and ease of care make it a sought-after addition to planted aquariums.

Origin: Originally bred from the Neocaridina davidi species in selective breeding programs, these shrimp boast a rich blue coloration that intensifies with age and proper care.

Feeding: Blue Sapphire Shrimp are primarily algae grazers but readily consume commercially available shrimp-specific food, blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach, and biofilm within the tank. A balanced diet enhances their color vibrancy and overall health.

Tank Mates: Peaceful and non-aggressive, these shrimp thrive in community tanks with small, peaceful fish like rasboras, small tetras, or other non-predatory species. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish that may prey on or stress these delicate shrimp.

Aggression: Blue Sapphire Shrimp are exceptionally peaceful and non-aggressive, making them an excellent addition to community tanks and even nano aquariums.

Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of all levels, including beginners. They are hardy and adaptable, requiring basic care and stable water parameters.

Water Parameters: Optimal conditions include a pH range of 6.5-7.5, temperature between 68-78°F (20-26°C), and moderately hard water with low to medium lighting. Consistency in water quality is crucial for their well-being.