Bubble Anemone Common Entacmaea Quadricolor
The Bubble Anemone, also known as the Bulb-Tentacle Anemone, is a vibrant and captivating species often found in marine aquariums. Its most distinctive feature is the bulb-like tips on its tentacles, which can vary in color from pink and red to green or even white. It’s popular among aquarists for its symbiotic relationship with certain clownfish species, providing both aesthetic beauty and ecological functionality.
Native to the Indo-Pacific region, the Bubble Anemone is typically found in coral reefs where it anchors itself to rocks and coral formations.
Experience Level:
Moderate. While the Bubble Anemone is relatively hardy, it requires stable tank conditions, making it more suitable for intermediate to advanced hobbyists. It needs specific care, including proper lighting and water flow, and can be sensitive to water quality changes.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Salinity: 1.023-1.025
- Lighting: Moderate to High (preferably with access to direct light)
- Water Flow: Moderate (to allow for gentle movement of the tentacles)
A stable, mature reef tank is ideal for ensuring this anemone thrives.