Bumble Bee Goby Brachigobius Zanthozona 3cm
“Meet the captivating Bumble Bee Goby (Brachigobius Zanthozona), a charming and vibrant addition to any aquarium. Originating from the brackish waters of Southeast Asia, these petite fish boast stunning yellow and black stripes reminiscent of their namesake insect.
Feeding these gobies is a breeze as they readily accept small live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Their diminutive size makes them perfect for nano tanks, thriving in setups with sandy substrate and plenty of hiding spots like caves or plants.
While these gobies are generally peaceful, it’s best to house them with similarly sized and non-aggressive tank mates to prevent competition for territory. Their small stature and gentle nature make them ideal for community tanks with other peaceful species like small rasboras, mollies, or freshwater shrimp.
In terms of care, these gobies require moderate attention to water quality. Maintain a brackish water environment with specific gravity around 1.005-1.010, a pH of 7.0-8.0, and a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C).
For aquarists with some experience in maintaining brackish water setups, these Bumble Bee Gobies offer a delightful opportunity to add both color and personality to your aquatic haven.”