Caulastria Metallic Green Hard Coral Caulastrea Furcata
The Caulastria Metallic Green Hard Coral Caulastrea furcata, also known as the candy cane, trumpet, or bullseye coral, is a vibrant and colorful large polyp stony (LPS) coral species. Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, this coral is characterized by its striking green, striped polyps that resemble candy canes. Caulastrea furcata is a hardy coral that can thrive in a variety of lighting and water flow conditions, making it a great choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium hobbyists. It obtains most of its nutrients through the photosynthesis of symbiotic zooxanthellae algae living in its tissue, but will also feed on zooplankton. This coral is considered relatively peaceful, with short sweeper tentacles compared to many other LPS species. It is extremely compatible with other Euphyllia corals, such as torch and frogspawn. However, it should still be given ample space to grow, as it can reach over 5 meters across in the wild. To maintain the vibrant green coloration and healthy growth of the Caulastria Metallic Green Hard Coral, it requires stable water parameters, including a temperature of 73-84°F, pH of 8.1-8.4, alkalinity of 8-12 dKH, and calcium levels of 400 ppm. Proper lighting and moderate water flow are also essential for this species.