Checkerboard Cichlid Dicrossus Filamentosus 3cm
Overview: The Checkerboard Cichlid, known for its distinctive checkerboard pattern and elongated fin filaments, is a small yet captivating freshwater fish. Its serene demeanor and striking appearance make it a prized specimen for planted and biotope aquariums.
Origin: Native to the slow-moving, acidic waters of the Amazon Basin in South America, this species thrives in environments that mimic their natural habitat. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water, rich in tannins, and with plenty of hiding spots.
Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, Dicrossus filamentosus enjoys a varied diet. Offer a mix of high-quality dried foods, such as flakes and pellets designed for small cichlids, along with live and frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to ensure optimal health and coloration.
Tank Mates: Due to their peaceful nature, Checkerboard Cichlids do well with other non-aggressive species. Ideal tank mates include small tetras, dwarf corydoras, and other similarly sized, peaceful fish. Avoid housing with large or overly aggressive species to prevent stress.
Aggression: This species exhibits minimal aggression and is often shy. However, males may show territorial behavior towards each other during breeding. Providing ample space and hiding places can minimize conflicts.
Experience Level: While not overly demanding, Dicrossus filamentosus is best suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists. Successful keeping requires attention to water quality, diet, and environment to mimic their natural habitat.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
- pH: 5.0-6.5
- Hardness: 1-10 dGH
- Water should be kept clean and well-oxygenated, with regular water changes to maintain these conditions