Cherry Orange Shrimp Neocaridina Davidi 2cm
Overview: Cherry Orange Shrimp, a vibrant variant of Neocaridina davidi, captivate aquarists with their brilliant hues of orange and red. These freshwater invertebrates are cherished for their hardiness, making them an ideal addition to planted aquariums.
Origin: Originating from Taiwan, these selectively bred shrimp are descendants of the wild Bee Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis). Through meticulous breeding, the stunning cherry orange coloration emerged as a popular choice among shrimp enthusiasts.
Feeding: Cherry Orange Shrimp thrive on a diet of algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp pellets. Supplement their diet with blanched vegetables like spinach or zucchini for optimal health and vibrant coloration.
Tank Mates: Peaceful and non-aggressive, Cherry Orange Shrimp coexist harmoniously with small, docile tank mates such as small fish like rasboras, snails, or other dwarf shrimp species. Avoid housing them with larger, aggressive fish that may prey on these delicate invertebrates.
Aggression: These shrimp are exceedingly peaceful, exhibiting no aggressive behavior. They contribute to a tranquil tank environment and are known for their scavenging habits, helping maintain a clean aquatic ecosystem.
Experience Level: Suitable for aquarists of all experience levels, Cherry Orange Shrimp are resilient and adaptable, making them an excellent choice for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike.
Water Parameters: Optimal conditions include a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, with a temperature range of 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 26°C). Ammonia and nitrite levels should be kept at zero, while maintaining moderate hardness levels.