Clown Knife Fish Notopterus Chitala 10cm


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Clown Knife Fish Notopterus Chitala 10cm

“Meet the captivating Clown Knife Fish, an exquisite species known for its sleek elongated body and mesmerizing patterns. Originating from Southeast Asia’s freshwater habitats, these graceful swimmers boast a peaceful demeanor, making them an ideal addition to community tanks.

Feeding on a diet of live and frozen foods like shrimp, small fish, and worms, these carnivorous beauties enjoy a varied menu. They thrive in spacious tanks with ample hiding spots and prefer companionship with similar-sized, non-aggressive tank mates such as larger tetras, barbs, and peaceful cichlids.

While generally docile, Clown Knife Fish may exhibit territorial behavior as they grow, requiring a tank of at least 150 gallons to accommodate their eventual size of up to three feet. Their habitat should maintain stable water parameters, with temperatures between 75-82°F, a pH range of 6.5-7.5, and moderate water flow.

Best suited for intermediate to experienced aquarists due to their size requirements and specific feeding needs, these stunning fish reward dedicated hobbyists with their striking appearance and tranquil presence in a well-maintained aquarium.”