Cyphotilapia Frontosa Blue Zambia
- Care Level: Easy
- Tank Size: 88 Gal (400 Ltr) min
- Temperament: Semi – Aggressive
- PH: 7.5 – 8.5
- Temperature: 24-26°C (75-79°F)
- Flow: Slow – Moderate
What We Like About This Fish:
- Great Value
- Perfect for a single species aquarium
- Impressive, but manageable size
- Colouration is outstanding
The frontosa cichlid is commonly found in several large lakes in East Africa, including the world’s second-longest freshwater lake: Lake Tanganyika. The fish spends most of its time in the lake’s depths, surfacing only to find food.
Frontosa cichlids have bold colouring, with five to seven dark bands on a pale or dark blue body. These African cichlids are semi-aggressive and have instinctive territorial behaviours. Frontosa are popular with aquarists due to the fish’s ease of care and beautiful colours, despite the fish’s occasional behavioural issues.
Frontosa are Omnivorous – Does well with flake or pellet food. Can be fed freeze-dried or frozen krill or plankton as a treat.