Daisy Polyp Clavularia
Daisy polyps, also known as Clavularia, are a type of soft coral that make an excellent addition to saltwater aquariums. These polyps originate from the Indo-Pacific region and are characterized by their feathery, eight-tentacled appearance that resembles a daisy or palm tree. Daisy polyps are generally peaceful and non-aggressive, making them suitable tank mates with a variety of other reef-safe fish and invertebrates. They are filter feeders, relying on water currents to bring them plankton and other small organic matter for sustenance. These polyps are considered a good choice for beginner to intermediate aquarium hobbyists, as they are relatively easy to care for. They require moderate lighting levels and moderate to high water flow to thrive. The ideal water temperature range is 72-76°F, with stable water chemistry parameters. Overall, daisy polyps are a beautiful and hardy addition to the saltwater aquarium, providing vibrant color and interesting movement as their tentacles sway in the current. With the right water conditions and tank mates, they can be a rewarding coral for aquarists of various experience levels.