Diamond Tetra Moenkhausia Pittieri 2cm
Overview: The Diamond Tetra, scientifically known as Moenkhausia pittieri, is a stunning addition to any community tank. Recognized by its shimmering, diamond-like scales and peaceful demeanor, this species captivates aquarists with its beauty and tranquility.
Origin: Originally hailing from South America, specifically Venezuela and Colombia, these tetras thrive in calm, densely vegetated waters like rivers and tributaries.
Feeding: Diamond Tetras are omnivorous and easily adapt to various diets. They readily accept high-quality flakes, pellets, and live/frozen foods such as bloodworms or brine shrimp. A varied diet ensures their vibrant coloration and overall health.
Tank Mates: Known for their peaceful nature, Diamond Tetras coexist harmoniously with other small, non-aggressive fish. They make ideal companions for other tetra species, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and peaceful bottom-dwellers like Corydoras catfish.
Aggression Level: These tetras exhibit minimal aggression, primarily engaging in harmless squabbles within their species. However, when kept in a well-sized group (6 or more), aggression is rarely observed.
Experience Level: Perfect for aquarists of all experience levels, the Diamond Tetra is an excellent choice for beginners due to its hardiness and adaptability to various water conditions.
Water Parameters: Maintain a pH range between 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 72-79°F (22-26°C). Keep the water clean and well-oxygenated, and provide ample hiding spots amidst plants and decorations.