Dilectis Pygmy Basslet Pseudochromis Dilectus
The Dilectis Pygmy Basslet, scientifically known as Pseudochromis Dilectus, is a small and vibrant reef-dwelling fish that originates from the Indo-Pacific region. This species is known for its striking coloration, featuring a deep blue body with bright yellow fins and tail.The Dilectis Pygmy Basslet is an omnivorous fish, feeding on a variety of small invertebrates and algae in the aquarium. It is generally peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish species. However, it may become territorial towards its own kind, so it’s recommended to keep only one or a mated pair in the same tank.This fish requires a well-established marine aquarium with plenty of live rock and hiding places. The recommended water parameters include a temperature of 72-82°F, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a specific gravity of 1.020-1.025. Regular water changes and good water quality are essential for the Dilectis Pygmy Basslet’s optimal health and longevity.Due to its small size and specific care requirements, the Dilectis Pygmy Basslet is generally recommended for experienced marine aquarium hobbyists. With proper setup and maintenance, this vibrant fish can be a beautiful addition to a thriving reef aquarium.