Eel Catfish Channallabes Apus 10cm
“Meet the captivating Eel Catfish (Channallabes apus) – a mesmerizing species originating from the freshwaters of West Africa. This unique catfish boasts an elongated, eel-like body with striking markings, making it a stunning addition to any advanced aquarist’s collection. Known for its nocturnal nature, this species thrives on a diet of live or frozen foods and prefers well-oxygenated, spacious tanks with ample hiding spots. While peaceful towards larger tankmates, caution is advised with smaller companions as the Eel Catfish may perceive them as prey. Handling this species requires experience due to their secretive behavior and potential territoriality. Maintain stable water parameters with temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C) and a pH of 6.5-7.5 for optimal health. Elevate your aquarium experience with the enigmatic Eel Catfish!”