Electric Catfish Malapterus Electricus 10cm
“Electric Catfish (Malapterus electricus) is a fascinating freshwater species renowned for its unique ability to generate electric shocks. Originating from the rivers and lakes of Africa, these nocturnal creatures boast an intriguing behavior and captivating appearance. With a carnivorous diet consisting of small fish and invertebrates, they thrive on a varied feeding regimen.
In a tank setting, Electric Catfish prefer peaceful companions due to their solitary nature and sensitivity to stress. Their electric abilities aren’t typically used aggressively against tank mates, making them compatible with similarly-sized non-aggressive species. However, caution is advised when handling as they can discharge electric shocks as a defense mechanism.
For aquarists, experience with maintaining larger freshwater species is recommended due to their specific care needs. Keeping water parameters stable with temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH levels around 6.5-7.5, and moderate water flow is essential for their well-being.
Their enigmatic nature and unique traits make Electric Catfish an intriguing addition to well-maintained, species-appropriate aquariums, offering enthusiasts a glimpse into the captivating world of electrically charged aquatic life.”
This description covers the basics while highlighting the uniqueness of the Electric Catfish and providing essential care information for potential buyers.