Flame Dottyback Labracinus Ocelliferus
The Flame Dottyback, Labracinus ocelliferus, is a vibrant and striking species of reef fish. Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, this small dottyback is known for its bright red tail and dark reddish-brown body with pale vertical stripes. As a carnivorous fish, the Flame Dottyback primarily feeds on small crustaceans, worms, and other small invertebrates. It is a relatively peaceful fish that can be kept with other peaceful community fish, but may become territorial and aggressive towards its own kind or similar-looking species.For optimal care, the Flame Dottyback requires a well-established marine aquarium with plenty of live rock and hiding places. The water parameters should be maintained at a temperature of 72-82°F, pH of 8.1-8.4, and specific gravity of 1.023-1.025. This fish is recommended for intermediate to advanced aquarists due to its specific care requirements and potential for aggression.Overall, the Flame Dottyback is a stunning and vibrant addition to any reef aquarium, but requires careful consideration and proper setup to ensure its long-term health and well-being