Golden Avocado Pufferfish Auriglobus Modestus 5cm
“Meet the captivating Golden Avocado Pufferfish, a striking species known for its radiant gold hues and endearing personality. Originating from Southeast Asia, these charming creatures bring vibrancy to any tank setup.
Feeding on a varied diet of frozen, live, and plant-based foods, they thrive on a menu of snails, shrimp, and quality puffer-specific pellets. Their voracious appetite keeps them engaged and happy.
While relatively peaceful, they may display territorial behavior, requiring a spacious tank with ample hiding spots. Compatible tank mates include similarly sized, non-aggressive species, but solitary housing is ideal to prevent potential conflicts.
This species demands moderate care and benefits from an intermediate aquarist’s expertise. Maintaining stable water parameters—pH around 7.0-8.0, temperature between 75-82°F, and soft to moderately hard water—is crucial for their well-being.