Golden Clown Knife Fish Notopterus Chitala 10cm
“Introducing the Golden Clown Knife Fish, an enchanting and graceful species originating from Southeast Asia’s freshwater habitats. Known for its vibrant golden hue and elongated, knife-shaped body, this species captivates aquarists with its elegance.
Feeding on a carnivorous diet primarily consisting of live and frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish, they thrive on a varied diet.
In the aquarium, these majestic fish prefer spacious tanks with plenty of hiding spots amidst driftwood or plants. Compatible tankmates should be peaceful and of similar size to avoid conflicts. Due to their timid nature, boisterous or aggressive tankmates may cause stress.
Although generally peaceful, they may display territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods. Thus, a moderate level of experience in fishkeeping is recommended to handle their needs effectively.
Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial; they prefer slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 6.5-7.5) with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F. Pristine water quality and regular maintenance are essential for their well-being.
With their stunning appearance and serene demeanor, the Golden Clown Knife Fish adds a touch of grace and allure to any well-prepared aquarium setup.”