Green Dwarf Pike Cichlid Crenicichla Compressiceps 5cm
Overview: The Green Dwarf Pike Cichlid is a captivating and somewhat elusive species in the aquarium hobby, prized for its vibrant coloration and dynamic personality. Reaching up to 4-5 inches in length, this smaller member of the Pike Cichlid family showcases a beautiful array of green hues, complemented by a sleek, streamlined body. Ideal for aquarists seeking a unique and visually striking addition to their tanks.
Origin: Native to the clear, fast-flowing streams and rivers of South America, particularly in areas stretching from Colombia to Brazil. Their natural habitat is characterized by a substrate of sand and rocks, with plenty of hiding spots among driftwood and vegetation.
Feeding: Omnivorous with a preference for meaty foods. A diet consisting of high-quality frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small fish is optimal for their health and color vibrancy. Occasional vegetable supplements can be offered to ensure a balanced diet.
Tank Mates: Best kept with similarly sized or slightly larger, peaceful to semi-aggressive fish. It is crucial to avoid very small species that could be seen as prey. Good tank mates include larger tetras, robust barbs, and medium-sized South American cichlids. It’s advisable to monitor interactions closely, as individual temperaments can vary.
Aggression: Exhibits moderate aggression, particularly during breeding or when defending territory. Providing ample space and visual barriers (like plants and rocks) can help mitigate aggressive behaviors. A species-specific or well-planned community tank is recommended to ensure harmony.
Experience Level: Intermediate. While not excessively demanding, they do require specific water conditions and a diet that mimics their natural habitat to thrive.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C)
- pH: 6.0 to 7.5
- Hardness: 5 to 12 dGH
- Water flow: Moderate to strong, emulating their natural riverine environment.
Frequent water changes and stable water conditions are essential to keep these cichlids healthy. Their sensitivity to water quality makes them more suited to aquarists with some experience in maintaining consistent aquarium conditions.
Conclusion: The Green Dwarf Pike Cichlid offers a blend of beauty, intrigue, and a touch of challenge, making it a rewarding species for the dedicated aquarist. With proper care, this striking fish can become a centerpiece in any South American biotope or compatible community aquarium.