Hammer Wall Mint Green Hard Coral Euphyllia
The Hammer Wall Mint Green Hard Coral Euphyllia is a stunning LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral that originates from the Indo-Pacific region. This coral has a distinctive wall-like growth pattern with green polyps that can extend up to several inches in length. Euphyllia corals are generally considered easy to care for and make great additions to reef aquariums. They are filter feeders, capturing plankton and other small particles from the water column. This Hammer Wall Mint Green variety is generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other corals and fish, provided there is adequate space and water flow. For optimal care, this Euphyllia coral requires moderate to high lighting, strong water movement, and stable water parameters. The ideal water temperature should be between 72-82°F, pH between 8.0-8.4, alkalinity between 8-12 dKH, and calcium levels between 400-450 ppm. This coral is recommended for hobbyists with some previous experience in keeping LPS corals.