Harlequin Shark Labeo Cyclorhynchus 5cm
Overview: The Harlequin Shark, scientifically known as Labeo Cyclorhynchus, is a captivating freshwater fish prized for its sleek, shark-like appearance. With its striking black body adorned with vibrant red and white patterns, this species adds a unique flair to any aquarium.
Origin: Originally hailing from the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Malaysia, these fish thrive in well-oxygenated waters with moderate flow.
Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, they eagerly accept a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, live, or frozen foods. Supplement their diet with vegetables like blanched zucchini or spinach for optimal health.
Tank Mates: While generally peaceful, the Harlequin Shark prefers the company of its own species or other non-aggressive tank mates. Compatible companions include peaceful community fish like tetras, rasboras, and peaceful barbs. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping species to prevent stress.
Aggression: Typically docile, they may exhibit territorial behavior towards conspecifics or when the tank lacks hiding places. Provide ample hiding spots with plants, caves, and driftwood to mitigate potential aggression.
Experience Level: Ideal for aquarists with moderate experience, the Harlequin Shark requires attention to water quality and a well-maintained habitat. Ensuring proper tank conditions and understanding their behavior contributes to their well-being.
Water Parameters: Maintain a pH level between 6.5 to 7.5, with a water temperature ranging from 72°F to 78°F (22°C to 26°C). Ammonia and nitrite levels should consistently read at zero, while keeping nitrate levels below 40 ppm through regular water changes.