Humbug Whitetail Damsel Chromis Dascyllus Aruanus
Overview: The Humbug Whitetail Damsel, also known as the Chromis Dascyllus Aruanus, is a striking marine fish that boasts an elegant combination of black and white stripes across its body, ending in a distinct white tail. A compact and active species, it adds both movement and visual appeal to any saltwater aquarium.
Origin: Native to the Indo-Pacific region, including the Great Barrier Reef, the Red Sea, and the Maldives, this species is found in shallow, tropical coral reefs where it swims amongst the corals and rocky substrates.
Feeding: The Humbug Whitetail Damsel is omnivorous and should be fed a varied diet including high-quality marine flake foods, small pellet foods, and frozen or live brine shrimp and mysis shrimp to maintain optimal health and coloration.
Tank Mates: Ideal tank mates include other damselfish, clownfish, wrasses, and other non-aggressive community fish. It is important to introduce them to the tank at the same time to minimize territorial disputes.
Aggression: While generally peaceful with other species, they can exhibit territorial behavior towards their own kind or similar-sized fish, especially in smaller tanks. A larger aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces can help mitigate this behavior.
Experience Level: This species is well-suited for marine aquarists of all levels, from beginner to expert. Its hardiness and adaptability make it an excellent choice for those new to saltwater aquariums.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
- pH: 8.1-8.4
- Salinity: 1.020-1.025 SG
- Alkalinity: 8-12 dKH
Maintaining stable water parameters and regular water changes will help keep your Humbug Whitetail Damsel healthy and vibrant.