Indonesian Bamboo Shark Chiloscyllium Hasseltii
The Indonesian bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium hasseltii) is a small, bottom-dwelling shark found in the coastal waters of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. These sharks typically grow up to 60 cm in length and have a distinctive appearance, with a slender, elongated body and a rounded snout. As juveniles, they display dark transverse bands with black edges, while adults usually have no distinct color patterns. Bamboo sharks are generally docile and pose little threat to humans. They are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of small bony fishes, crustaceans, and mollusks. In terms of tank mates, bamboo sharks can be kept with other peaceful, bottom-dwelling species, such as rays, skates, and some small, non-aggressive sharks. However, they should not be housed with larger, more aggressive fish that may see them as prey. Bamboo sharks are considered a suitable species for experienced aquarium hobbyists, as they require specific water parameters to thrive. They prefer warm, tropical waters with a temperature range of 24-28°C, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a salinity of 1.020-1.025 specific gravity. Overall, the Indonesian bamboo shark is a fascinating and relatively low-maintenance species for those with the appropriate setup and experience in keeping marine aquarium fish.