Kohaku Grade A Koi Carp Cyprinus Carpio
The Kohaku (koh-HAH-koo) variety of koi is the first subcategory of the larger category Gosanke. As mentioned, a Kohaku fish has a solid white base (shiroji) that is overlaid with red (hi) colouration.
The most representative koi variety out of 80+ varieties is the Kohaku that has a red pattern on a white body.
200 years ago, the Koi with red colour on the white skin already existed, but they were called “Sarasa 更紗“ at the time. This name was made after the Japanese traditional craft textile “Sarasa”. Sarasa is the traditional textile that various colours are dyed on cotton cloth. After the Sarasa Koi appeared 200 years ago, the quality of Sarasa koi was gradually improved, and she caught many people’s eyes and won a favour. The name “Sarasa” had been remaining for a long time after the exhibition.
Then, after the war, when the country restored peace, Nishikigoi got popular more and more in Japan. Nobody knows why, but the name was spontaneously switched from Sarasa to Kohaku.
Now, Kohaku is one representative variety of Koi fish, and they are loved by people from all over the world. Like dogs and cats, people take the bloodline of Koi very serious, and the name of koi breeder is an important factor as a designer named bag.
It is this that gives the Kohaku the nickname ‘The King of Koi’.