L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco Hypancistrus Sp 4cm
The L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco is a captivating and relatively rare species in the aquarium hobby, celebrated for its unique pattern of dark brown to black stripes over a lighter brown or creamy background. This species can reach up to 4-5 inches in length, making it a perfect choice for enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance to their aquariums.
Native to the Amazon Basin in South America, the L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco thrives in fast-flowing rivers and streams. Its natural habitat is characterized by rocky substrates and plenty of hiding spots among crevices.
Primarily a carnivore, the L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco’s diet should include a variety of high-quality meaty foods. This includes frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tubifex worms, complemented with sinking pellets or wafers formulated for bottom dwellers. Occasional vegetable offerings can also be beneficial.
Tank Mates
Ideal tank mates for the L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco include small to medium-sized, peaceful fish. Avoid aggressive species that may compete for food or territory. Tetras, rasboras, and smaller cichlids can make compatible companions, ensuring a harmonious community aquarium.
The L270 is generally peaceful but can be territorial towards other bottom dwellers, especially of its kind or similar species. Providing ample hiding places and enough space can minimize aggressive behavior, allowing for a more serene environment.
Experience Level
This species is best suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists. While not exceedingly demanding, maintaining optimal water quality and a balanced diet is crucial for the well-being of the L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco.
Water Parameters
- Temperature: 26-30°C (79-86°F)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Hardness: 6-10 dGH
- Water flow: Moderate to high, emulating its natural riverine habitat.
Proper attention to these parameters, along with regular water changes and tank maintenance, will ensure your L270 Chocolate Zebra Pleco thrives, adding a striking visual appeal to your aquarium.