The L476 Black Phantom Pleco is a rare and stunning freshwater catfish species belonging to the Hypancistrus genus. Known for its dark, almost jet-black body with subtle patterning, this pleco remains relatively small compared to other pleco species. Its striking coloration and manageable size make it a sought-after species among pleco enthusiasts and aquarists who appreciate unique bottom-dwellers.
The L476 Black Phantom Pleco originates from the Rio Tocantins basin in Brazil, where it inhabits fast-flowing, oxygen-rich waters with rocky substrates. Due to its natural habitat, it thrives in well-oxygenated aquariums with plenty of hiding spots.
This species is an omnivore with a preference for protein-rich foods rather than a standard algae-based diet. A well-balanced diet should include:
High-quality sinking carnivore pellets
Frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and blackworms
Occasional plant-based foods like blanched vegetables (zucchini, cucumber)
Repashy gel foods or shrimp-based formulas
Tank Mates
The L476 Black Phantom Pleco is generally peaceful, making it suitable for community tanks. Ideal tank mates include:
Small to medium-sized tetras (e.g., neon tetras, cardinal tetras)
Corydoras catfish
Apistogramma species
Other peaceful Hypancistrus plecos (if space allows)
Avoid keeping them with large, aggressive cichlids or overly boisterous fish that may outcompete them for food.
Aggression & Behavior
While mostly peaceful, L476 can be territorial toward other bottom-dwellers, especially if not given enough hiding spaces. Males, in particular, may be aggressive toward each other when competing for caves or breeding sites. To minimise aggression, provide multiple hiding spots like driftwood, rock caves, and pleco tubes.
Experience Level
Intermediate to Advanced – This pleco requires stable water conditions, a high-protein diet, and well-oxygenated water. It’s not ideal for beginners but can be successfully kept by aquarists with some experience in maintaining plecos.
Water Parameters
Temperature: 26–30°C (79–86°F)
pH: 5.5–7.5
Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons for a single specimen, but 30+ gallons is preferred for a group
Filtration: Strong filtration with high oxygenation (a powerhead or air stone is beneficial)