Longmouth Pipefish Doryichthys Heterosoma 8cm
Introducing the Longmouth Pipefish, Doryichthys Heterosoma, a mesmerizing species coveted by aquarists for its grace and unique appearance. Originating from Southeast Asia, these slender creatures thrive in serene, well-established aquariums reminiscent of their natural habitat.
Feeding on small live invertebrates like brine shrimp or daphnia, these peaceful dwellers prefer a calm environment and coexist harmoniously with similarly tranquil tank mates such as small peaceful fish or other non-aggressive species. Their gentle disposition makes them a perfect addition to community tanks.
For enthusiasts seeking a moderately experienced level of care, maintaining stable water parameters is crucial. Aim for a pH between 6.5-7.5, a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), and moderately soft to moderately hard water (dH 5-15).
With their shy yet curious nature, Longmouth Pipefish require a patient approach. While not aggressive, they might be intimidated by boisterous tankmates or excessive commotion. A well-planted aquarium with hiding spots allows them to feel secure, ensuring their optimal well-being.
Appreciated for their ethereal appearance and tranquil presence, the Longmouth Pipefish brings a touch of elegance to any aquarist’s collection. Explore the captivating world of these captivating creatures and add a touch of grace to your aquatic sanctuary today!”