Mackerel Barb Opsarius Pulchellus 5cm
Overview: The Mackerel Barb, Opsarius pulchellus, is a stunning addition to any aquarium with its vibrant coloration and lively demeanor. Originating from the clear, flowing waters of Southeast Asia, these barbs exhibit intricate mackerel-like patterns across their sleek bodies, adding an alluring charm to any aquatic landscape.
Feeding: Omnivorous by nature, Mackerel Barbs readily accept a varied diet comprising high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp. Their enthusiastic feeding behavior makes them a delight to observe during mealtimes.
Tank Mates: Peaceful and social, Mackerel Barbs thrive in the company of their own species or other non-aggressive community fish such as danios, rasboras, and small tetras. They flourish in a well-populated tank with ample swimming space.
Aggression: With a mild temperament, these barbs exhibit minimal aggression, especially when housed in groups of five or more. Nonetheless, avoid pairing them with fin-nipping or aggressive species to ensure a harmonious aquarium environment.
Experience Level: Ideal for aquarists of varying experience levels, the Mackerel Barb is relatively hardy and easy to care for, provided proper water conditions and a balanced diet are maintained.
Water Parameters: Optimal conditions for these barbs include a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C), a pH level of 6.0-7.5, and moderately soft to slightly hard water. Regular water changes and a well-maintained aquarium environment are essential for their well-being.