Malaysian Golden Red Panda Crossback Arowana Scleropages Formosus 20cm


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Malaysian Golden Red Panda Crossback Arowana Scleropages Formosus 20cm

Overview: The Malaysian Golden Red Panda Crossback Arowana is a breathtaking freshwater fish, prized for its vibrant gold coloration with hints of red, especially prominent across the back. Known for its majestic movement and dragon-like appearance, this variant of Arowana is a showstopper in any aquarium.

Origin: Native to Malaysia, this Arowana variety thrives in slow-moving waters such as rivers and lakes. It is a result of selective breeding to enhance its unique coloration and patterns, making it a sought-after species among enthusiasts.

Feeding: This carnivorous species requires a diet rich in protein. Offer a variety of foods including live or frozen foods such as shrimp, small fish, and worms. High-quality, commercially available pellets formulated for Arowanas can also be included for a balanced diet.

Tank Mates: Due to its size and dominance, careful consideration must be given when selecting tank mates. Compatible species include large, peaceful fish that can hold their own without competing for territory. Avoid small fish that the Arowana might mistake for food.

Aggression: The Malaysian Golden Red Panda Crossback Arowana can exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards fish of similar shape or size. Providing ample space and well-structured hiding spots can mitigate aggression.

Experience Level: This species is best suited for intermediate to advanced aquarists. Successful care requires understanding of its specific needs, including diet, tank requirements, and managing its semi-aggressive nature.

Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: 75-86°F (24-30°C)
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Hardness: 5-15 dGH
  • Tank Size: Minimum 250 gallons for adult

A large tank with plenty of swimming space and a tightly secured lid (as Arowanas are known jumpers) is essential for their well-being. Regular water changes and filtration are crucial to maintain water quality and health of the fish.

The Malaysian Golden Red Panda Crossback Arowana is not just a pet, but a centerpiece of aquatic art that brings a part of the Malaysian waters into your home. Its majestic presence and stunning beauty make it a treasured addition to any large aquarium setup.