Male Betta Standard
Betta fish, commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are one of the most popular fish breeds.
With its jewel-toned colouring and flowing fins, betta fish are a great addition to any fish-lover’s home.
Not all betta fish fight—only the males.
Despite how they are often sold, bettas should not be kept in a fish bowl.
Bettas are happiest when kept in water that is soft, warm, with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. With the right care, bettas can live around 2 to 3 years.
Family: Belontiidae
Origin: Cambodia, Thailand
Social: Males cannot be kept together
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon
Diet: Floating pellet, flake, live and frozen foods
Breeding: Egglayer (bubble nest)
Care: Easy to Intermediate
pH: 6.8 to 7.4
Water Hardness: Up to 20 dGH
Temperature: 75 to 86 F (24 to 30 C)