Marbled Hatchet Fish Carnegiella Strigata 4cm
Overview: The Marbled Hatchet Fish, scientifically known as Carnegiella Strigata, is a captivating addition to any peaceful community aquarium. With its distinct streamlined body and eye-catching marbled patterns, this species is prized for its unique appearance and peaceful nature.
Origin: Originating from the slow-moving waters of South America, particularly the Amazon River basin, these fish thrive in densely vegetated areas with subdued lighting.
Feeding: They are omnivorous and readily accept a varied diet, including flakes, small live or frozen foods like daphnia, bloodworms, and even small insects. A mix of quality flake food and occasional live/frozen treats ensures optimal health.
Tank Mates: Best suited for peaceful community tanks, they coexist harmoniously with other non-aggressive species like tetras, rasboras, small peaceful catfish, and other hatchetfish species. Avoid housing with larger, aggressive fish that may intimidate or outcompete them during feeding.
Aggression: Known for their peaceful demeanor, Marbled Hatchet Fish rarely display aggression towards tank mates. They prefer swimming near the water’s surface and are often skittish, so ensure a well-covered tank to prevent them from jumping out.
Experience Level: Ideal for hobbyists of various experience levels, these fish are relatively hardy and adaptable to a range of water conditions. However, they do require a well-maintained environment to thrive.
Water Parameters: Maintain water temperatures between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C), with a pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. A planted aquarium with floating vegetation and dim lighting mimics their natural habitat and aids in their comfort and security.