Metynnis Red Hook Myleus Rubripinnis 5cm
Overview: The Metynnis Red Hook Myleus Rubripinnis, known for its vibrant red fins and striking metallic body, is a captivating addition to any freshwater aquarium. Originating from South America, these active and social fish bring both color and liveliness to a well-maintained tank.
Origin: Hailing from the Amazon Basin, these Red Hook Myleus Rubripinnis thrive in warm, soft, and slightly acidic waters. Their natural habitats include rivers and flooded areas rich in vegetation.
Feeding: These omnivorous beauties readily accept a varied diet. They relish high-quality flakes, pellets, and enjoy occasional treats of live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetable matter to keep them healthy and vibrant.
Tank Mates: Red Hook Myleus Rubripinnis are peaceful community fish, best kept in groups of five or more. They coexist harmoniously with other peaceful species like tetras, peaceful barbs, and similar-sized cichlids. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive or fin-nipping tank mates.
Aggression: While generally peaceful, they might display mild territorial behaviors, especially during feeding times. Provide ample space and hiding spots to minimize any conflicts within the group.
Experience Level: Intermediate aquarists will find these fish rewarding to care for given their specific water requirements and the need for a well-established tank. Monitoring water parameters and ensuring a balanced diet are essential for their optimal health.
Water Parameters: Maintain water temperature between 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH levels ranging from 6.0 to 7.5, and softer to slightly acidic water with a hardness of 5-12 dGH.
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