Ocellated Snakehead Channa Pleurophthalma
- Care Level: Easy
- Tank Size: 88 Gal (400 Ltr) min
- Temperament: Semi – Aggressive
- PH: 6 -7.5
- Temperature: 22-28°C (72-82°F)
- Flow: Slow – Moderate
What We Like About This Fish:
- Unusual Snakehead
- Perfect for a single species aquarium
- Impressive, but manageable size
- Colouration is outstanding
One of the most sociable snakeheads, the Ocellated snakehead lives in groups which frequent open water, with pairs moving into areas of plant growth to breed during the rainy season.
The aquarium should be spacious with abundant swimming space. Plants may be destroyed, but floating plants may be worth a try. Filtration should be efficient with areas of moderate water movement and quieter resting areas out of the current, and partial water changes are important to help keep nitrate to a minimum. It is essential that the aquarium has a tight fitting lid as these fishes are expert jumpers, and a small gap must be left between the surface of the water and the coverslides in order for the fish to come up and take in humid air. Snakeheads are obligate air breathers, which means they must have access to atmospheric air or they will drown. These fish can be kept alongside peaceful tankmates too large to swallow (like most snakeheads, these aren’t voracious fish eaters) and the changes of breeding are increased by allowing individuals to select their own mates.
To ensure nutritional deficiencies are avoided, a quality dried food should be used as a staple and overfeeding should be avoided. Small live or frozen foods are eagerly accepted e.g. bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp etc. Live invertebrates are usually a firm favourite such as appropriately-sized earthworms, crickets, cockroaches and mealworms – these can be boosted by gutloading prior to being offered. Live fish should not be offered, as this is unnecessary and also carries a risk of disease.