Orange Chromide Etroplus Maculatus 4cm
The Orange Chromide, scientifically known as Etroplus Maculatus, is a vibrant and captivating freshwater fish sought after for its stunning orange hues and engaging behavior. Originating from the backwaters of southern India and Sri Lanka, these fish thrive in peaceful community tanks with their distinct coloring and amiable disposition.
Overview: With a maximum size of around 3 inches (7.6 cm), these petite cichlids are known for their striking appearance, featuring a vibrant orange body adorned with subtle blue spots. Their peaceful nature and intriguing social behavior make them a delightful addition to any well-maintained aquarium.
Feeding: Orange Chromides are omnivores and relish a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small crustaceans. Supplementing their diet with vegetable matter is beneficial for their overall health.
Tank Mates: These sociable fish thrive in groups of their own kind or in a peaceful community tank with similarly sized, non-aggressive species. Consider companions like small tetras, peaceful barbs, or other docile cichlids that won’t compete for territory.
Aggression: While relatively peaceful, Orange Chromides can display territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods. Providing adequate hiding spots and maintaining a sufficiently large tank can help mitigate aggression.
Experience Level: Due to their easy-going temperament and straightforward care requirements, Orange Chromides are suitable for aquarists of various experience levels, from beginners to seasoned hobbyists.
Water Parameters: Maintaining water quality is crucial for the well-being of Orange Chromides. Aim for temperatures between 75-82°F (24-28°C), a pH range of 7.0-8.5, and moderately hard water with good filtration. Regular water changes are essential to keep them healthy and vibrant.