Orange Tail Blue Damsel Chromis Chrysiptera Parasema
Overview: The Orange Tail Blue Damsel, scientifically known as Chromis Chrysiptera Parasema, is a vibrant and energetic addition to any marine aquarium. With its striking blue body contrasted by a vivid orange tail, this fish brings a splash of color and dynamic activity to the tank environment. It’s a hardy species, making it a popular choice among both novice and experienced aquarists.
Origin: This species originates from the Western Pacific, particularly around reefs in the Philippines and Indonesia. They are typically found in shallow, clear waters where they swim in groups around coral reefs and lagoons.
Feeding: The Orange Tail Blue Damsel is omnivorous, requiring a varied diet to maintain its health and coloration. Their diet should include a mix of meaty foods such as mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, as well as high-quality marine flake and pellet foods. They also benefit from the occasional addition of algae-based foods to their diet.
Tank Mates: While generally peaceful, the Orange Tail Blue Damsel can exhibit territorial behavior, especially towards conspecifics and smaller, more passive fish. Ideal tank mates include other similarly sized and temperament fish. It’s advisable to introduce them to the aquarium at the same time to reduce territorial disputes. Avoid housing with very aggressive species.
Aggression: This species can show signs of aggression towards other damselfish and smaller, more timid tank mates. Providing ample hiding spaces and a large enough aquarium can help minimize aggressive behavior. It’s recommended for aquariums of at least 30 gallons to provide enough space for territory establishment.
Experience Level: Their hardy nature and adaptability make the Orange Tail Blue Damsel an excellent choice for both beginner and seasoned aquarists. They are relatively easy to care for, provided their basic needs are met.
Water Parameters: To thrive, the Orange Tail Blue Damsel requires stable water conditions. The ideal water temperature should range between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C), with a pH level of 8.1 to 8.4. Salinity should be maintained at 1.020 to 1.025 sg. Regular water changes and monitoring are essential to keep these parameters consistent.
The Orange Tail Blue Damsel is a stunning and lively addition to any marine aquarium. With their easy care and vibrant personalities, they are sure to bring joy and color to your aquatic world.