Overview: The Otocinclus marinae is a small, peaceful freshwater fish known for its algae-eating habits and docile nature. This species belongs to the Loricariidae family and is commonly called “dwarf sucker” or “Oto catfish.” Their charming appearance and helpful role in keeping tanks clean make them a popular choice for aquarists seeking low-maintenance, community-friendly fish.
Origin: Otocinclus marinae are native to South America, primarily found in the slow-moving rivers and streams of the Amazon Basin. These areas have dense vegetation and a stable supply of algae, which forms the primary diet for this species.
Feeding: Otocinclus marinae are herbivores, feeding primarily on algae in their natural habitat. In a home aquarium, they graze on soft algae that naturally grows on surfaces like plants, rocks, and tank walls. For supplemental feeding, they enjoy sinking algae wafers, blanched vegetables (such as zucchini and cucumber), and occasionally spirulina-based pellets. However, a mature tank with plenty of natural algae growth is ideal for their long-term health.
Tank Mates: These peaceful fish are best suited for community aquariums with other small, non-aggressive species. They get along well with tetras, rasboras, guppies, dwarf gouramis, and corydoras catfish. Avoid housing them with aggressive or territorial fish, as they are easily stressed by bullying tank mates.
Aggression: Otocinclus marinae are extremely peaceful fish and show no signs of aggression toward other tank mates. They prefer to live in small groups of their own kind, which helps them feel secure. Keeping them in groups of 4-6 will help reduce stress and mimic their natural behavior in the wild.
Experience Level: This species is best suited for beginner to intermediate aquarists due to its low-maintenance care needs. While Otocinclus are hardy, they do require stable water conditions and a tank with established algae growth to thrive. A mature tank is preferable, as they do not adapt well to new tank setups with fluctuating water parameters.
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
pH Level: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: 2-12 dGH
Tank Size: Minimum of 10 gallons, ideally 20 gallons for groups
Filtration: Moderate to strong filtration is preferred, as they benefit from oxygen-rich environments and clean water.
Additional Tips:
Ensure the tank has plenty of hiding spots and live plants to mimic their natural environment.
Provide consistent, stable water quality with regular water changes (25-30% weekly).
Avoid copper-based medications or treatments in tanks housing Otocinclus, as they are sensitive to metals.