Platinum Clown Knife Fish Chitala Blanci 15cm


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Platinum Clown Knife Fish Chitala Blanci 15cm

Overview: The Platinum Clown Knife Fish, also known as Chitala blanci, is an exquisite freshwater fish renowned for its striking platinum-white coloration and graceful, elongated body. This species captivates aquarists with its distinctive appearance and intriguing behavior.

Origin: Originating from Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand and Indonesia, these elegant creatures are typically found in slow-moving rivers and freshwater systems.

Feeding: They are carnivorous by nature, favoring a diet consisting of live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish. They may also accept high-quality pellets or flakes.

Tank Mates: Best kept in a spacious tank with similarly sized non-aggressive companions. Suitable tank mates include larger tetras, peaceful cichlids, or catfish. Avoid housing them with smaller fish that could be seen as potential prey.

Aggression: Typically peaceful in temperament, though they may become territorial as they grow. Monitor their behavior closely, especially when introduced to new tank mates or during breeding periods.

Experience Level: Intermediate to advanced aquarists are best suited for caring for the Platinum Clown Knife Fish. They require a keen eye for water quality, a spacious environment, and an understanding of their feeding and social behaviors.

Water Parameters: Maintain a well-filtered aquarium with stable water conditions. Ideal parameters include a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH level between 6.5-7.5, and moderate water hardness.