Platinum Florida Spotted Gar Lepisosteus Platyrhincus 15cm
Overview: The Florida Spotted Gar, known for its striking pattern and elongated body, is a captivating freshwater species native to Florida’s slow-moving rivers and lakes. With its prehistoric appearance, this gar adds a unique touch to any large aquarium.
Origin: Originating from Florida’s waterways, these gars thrive in warm, shallow environments, preferring well-oxygenated waters.
Feeding: Primarily carnivorous, they eagerly consume live or frozen foods like small fish, shrimp, and insect larvae. Offering a varied diet ensures their optimal health and vibrancy.
Tank Mates: Best kept with similarly sized, non-aggressive fish that won’t fit into its mouth. Compatible tank mates include larger tetras, catfish species like Synodontis, and robust cichlids.
Aggression: While predatory, Florida Spotted Gars can be surprisingly peaceful towards tank mates that don’t trigger their hunting instincts. Adequate space and hiding spots reduce potential territorial behavior.
Experience Level: Recommended for intermediate to experienced aquarists due to their specific dietary needs and requirement for spacious setups.
Water Parameters: These gars prefer temperatures between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C), pH levels around 6.5 to 7.5, and moderately hard water.