Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga Malawi African Cichlid
Overview: The Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga is a strikingly colorful and active cichlid species originating from Lake Malawi in Africa. Known for its elongated body and vibrant coloration, these cichlids are captivating additions to freshwater aquariums.
Origin: Indigenous to the rocky areas of Lake Malawi, these cichlids prefer rocky habitats with plenty of caves and crevices to explore.
Feeding: Omnivorous in nature, they thrive on a diet consisting of high-quality flake or pellet food supplemented with occasional treats of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
Tank Mates: Best kept with other Malawi cichlids in a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots. Avoid pairing them with smaller or passive fish due to their territorial nature.
Aggression: Known for their territorial behavior, especially during breeding periods, they require ample space and a well-structured tank to establish territories and reduce aggression.
Experience Level: Intermediate to experienced aquarists due to their specific care needs and territorial behavior.
Water Parameters: Maintain water temperatures between 76-82°F (24-28°C), pH levels around 7.5-8.5, and hardness between 10-20 dGH, replicating conditions similar to Lake Malawi.